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the Bidirectional Laugh of Ambivalent

Main infos about the BLA country

-📛Country Name(国名):
And:"BLABLABLA / BLA国 / the Bidirectional Laugh of Ambivalent"

-📜The Declaration of Independence(独立宣言):
(“Star笑” 2020y9m15d在”1号”殖民地起草)
We declare independence from the[censored],to
Seek for the funnis of playing together freeliy

Drafting.. 制定中..

-⏰Time of Independence(创建时间):
A.D.2020y9m15d about 0:00(UTC)


 -🎯location Created(创建地点):
[declassified](已公开) Near Little stone hill. Suite 2704, room due east.

  ⚙️Government sys(政府体系):
BLA国政府用“朋友制” "friendism"

  🏞️Land area(国土面积)

Little stone hill

-🚩National flag(国旗):
(2020y9m15d 国家国旗由”Star笑” 起草,同“Vincent”和”Eunice”商议后定为“"棒棒糖冰棍旗”)
500*300 px

 > Flag description(图案示意): The yellow star on the left repersents"Vincent", the light-blue star repersents"Star", the purple star repersents"Eunice", who are the earliest citizen of BLA. all surrounding The "Lolipopsicle"(our National..thing.) wanting to eat it. The plane is "Star"'s favorite thing, money is"Eunice"'s favorite thing, the happy face means..happy.

-National Emblem:(国徽):


©2020~2023 the Bidirectional Laugh of Ambivalent GOV